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General – Tax payment dates – November – 2018
[vc_single_image image=”5499″ img_size=”full”][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Allgemeine Steuerzahlungstermine im November” alignment=”left”][/ultimate_heading][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1541660355403{margin-bottom: 10% !important;}”][vc_message message_box_color=”blue”]
Maturity Mon. 12.11.18
Wage tax, church tax, solidarity surcharge, sales tax
End of the grace period 15.11.18
Maturity Mo. 15.11.18
Trade tax, property tax
End of the grace period 19.11.18
The 3-day grace period applies only to transfers; the credit entry in the tax authority’s account is decisive. On the other hand, in case of payment by check, the check must be submitted at least 3 days before the due date.[/vc_message]
(For more comments & information on this, please see our Information Letter 11/2018).
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