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Tax relief – for families – planned as of 2019
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Steuerliche Entlastung für Familien ab 2019 geplant” alignment=”left”][/ultimate_heading]
The federal government
has presented a new Family Relief Act, which provides for gradual improvements starting in 2019, particularly in child benefits and child allowances, as well as in the basic allowance. These measures will be accompanied by tariff relief to compensate for the “cold progression”. The bill does not include a reduction in the solidarity surcharge. The most important changes can be taken from the overview: (For an overview, see Information Letter 08/2018, page 3, item 5.).
A married couple with 2 children and an income of 100,000 euros would then have a tax relief of 356 euros in 2019 compared to 2018 and a further 388 euros in 2020.
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