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Tax deadlines – notes for the end of 2018
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Steuertermine und Hinweise zum Jahresende 2018″ alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading]
Self-employed, landlord, pensioner or employee,
who are required to file income tax returns shall, as a rule, file their tax returns for 2017 no later than December 31, 2018; this deadline cannot be extended without giving special reasons. Late filing penalties may be assessed if the filing deadline is exceeded. In order to meet the deadline, it is necessary to have all the necessary documents, supporting documents, etc. in time.
there are regularly more tax deadlines to be met shortly before the end of a calendar year than during the course of the year. The turn of the year is also of particular importance with regard to tax structuring options. If a certain tax result is still to be achieved for 2018, the corresponding dispositions must be made soon.
Enclosed (subscribe to our information letter free of charge)
the most important dates to be observed until the end of December this year and corresponding notes – also with regard to January 1, 2019 – are compiled.
(Further comments & information on this can be found in our information letter 10/2018 under item 1.)
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