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Limitation on loss deduction – Takeover – Corporations – Reapplication of the reorganization clause
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Verlustabzugsbeschränkung bei Übernahme von Kapitalgesellschaften – Wieder Anwendung der Sanierungsklausel” alignment=”left”][/ultimate_heading]
According to a regulation in force since 2008
loss carryforwards of a corporation could regularly be lost in part or in full if more than 25% or more than 50% of the shares were acquired by a purchaser within 5 years (see Sec. 8c (1) KStG). After the Federal Constitutional Court declared this provision unconstitutional, the legislator plans to abolish the provision for the years up to 2015, i.e. the loss deduction restriction will not be applied for these years.
Since the introduction of the loss deduction limitation
of § 8c para. 1 KStG in 2008, an exemption applies to very specific (restructuring) cases. However, the application of this provision has been subject to reservations since the EU Commission classified the restructuring clause as prohibited aid.
The European Court of Justice has now contradicted the EU Commission’s view in 4 recent decisions.
According to the court
The reorganization clause in Sec. 8c (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) 1a KStG does not constitute impermissible aid. Thus, the assertion of losses is (again) possible if the conditions for the application of the restructuring clause are met. This is currently likely to become significant for acquisitions of investments from 2016 onwards, as the previous loss deduction restriction has currently only been declared unconstitutional for the years up to 2015 by the Federal Constitutional Court.
(Further comments & information & examples on this can be found in our information letter 09/2018 under the item 3.)
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