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VAT allocation of mixed-use items to the business, minimum use still to be applied.

Minimum usage still applicable [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Umsatzsteuerliche Zuordnung von gemischt genutzten Gegenständen zum Unternehmen” alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading] [ultimate_spacer height=”50″]Items that are used partly for business purposes and partly for private purposes can…

VAT certificate in online trade

Online trade [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Umsatzsteuerbescheinigung” alignment=”left”][/ultimate_heading] [ultimate_spacer height=”50″] The “Act to Avoid Value-Added Tax Losses on Trade in Goods on the Internet and to Amend Other Tax Regulations” created new record-keeping…

Use of the company car

Use of company car. [ultimate_heading main_heading=”Betrifft Fahrten zwischen Wohnung und Betrieb.” alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading] [ultimate_spacer height=”50″]If a company car is also used by the entrepreneur for private journeys and no driver’s…